Chapter Titles or No Chapter Titles?
That is the question. I suppose, that the same person could answer that question "yes" or "no", depending on the genre and the ages of the target audience. If you are reading a children's story, like Wind in the Willows, or the screenplay for The Walking Dead, then chapter titles would seem appropriate, maybe even necessary. But how about a 300-page, pre-apocalyptic, mystery/thriller novel that is rated MA? Would chapter titles be suitable for this type of book?
Well, that is how I wrote my first novel, and in the true spirit of my perfectionist, overachieving sign, Virgo, I also broke it down by, not just chapter, but also by the scene! Here is the master Chapter/Scene/Word Count list for Mysterious Ways. Please enjoy yourselves, and each other, and sign up to reserve your copy of my debut novel, Mysterious Ways! Good night and great weekend!
I am looking for some people that would read a sampling of my book and give me some feedback, but I'm in a dilemma. I don't want to release the complete, un-edited work to the masses, but on the other hand, I need feedback on the plot and timing, and just the general telling of the story, and you kind of need to read the whole thing for that. I don't know, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I am putting together a "Preview" of the novel with some sample chapters and scenes. If you would like to read it, sign up here and I will email it to you shortly. There is no charge for the preview, but please get back to me with any comments and/or advice.